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Rabbi Shalom Shwadron once said, we say, “Boruch Shem K’Vod Malchuso” out loud on Yom Kippur because we are compared to malachim. I don’t understand something. On Yom Kippur night, after eating a hearty seuda, and feeling great, healthy, strong, we are compared to malachim, yet 24 hrs later after a whole day of fasting, we just spent the entire day in kedusha, davening and teshuva, and comes ma’ariv and we say “boruch shem” quietly because we are now back to the status of a man?? It should be just the opposite!?

He says beautifully – Where are our she’ifos? Yom Kippur night the only she’ifah, the only goal you have to look for ahead of you is 24 of fasting and begging Hashem for forgivenness and davening. That makes you a Malach. But at the end of YK, what are we thinking about? The cheescakes, the coffee, & the bagels! OH, that’s our she’ifas, then we fall back to the status of a man and say “boruch shem” quietly. Our she’ifa taiches us up, who we are. May we constantly have our eyes set toward striving in ruchnius, and coming closer to Hashem.