Reply To: R' Avigdor Miller & The Holocaust

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee R' Avigdor Miller & The Holocaust Reply To: R' Avigdor Miller & The Holocaust


lakewood01- consider your problem from a different angle. Do you have a problem with just God in general? Then, complain about the multiple Tsunamis, earthquakes, and other natural disasters that can be attributed to Him. The holocaust was a man-made ‘disaster.’ So I ask, do you have a problem with God creating humanity? Do you think it would have been better for God to take away free will from humanity? Or to not create them at all…?

I’m not surprised by Rabbi Miller’s harsh stance. Emotionally, it may be near impossible to take in the responsibility for the holocaust, but perhaps it is time. How else will we learn the lesson of the holocaust? To ignore it, can bring more calamity upon us chas vshalom.