Reply To: How to enforce Tznius guidelines in a Kehillah

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WADR – with all due respect.

miritchka: I just added that it should be done privately. IMHO (in my humble opinion), many Tznius offenses are not due to blatant disregard, but rather not understanding or having been mistaught. That can be fixed, but only in a positive and private atmosphere.

apushatayid, thanks – you’re one of the first to mention talking to the husbands. I agree wholeheartedly – that seems to be a good point.

Completely disagree, unless you want to ruin Shalom Bayis and create divorces. In fact, it is better to not say anything than to cause friction in the home. After all, the Sotah’s hair is uncovered in the Bais HaMikdash (not Tznius!?) to create Shalom. (and FYI, the gemorah cares less about that than Mechikas HaShem).