Reply To: Baruch Goldstein murders

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Baruch Goldstein murders Reply To: Baruch Goldstein murders


If you are seriously investigating this event, then you need to check all Mossad, IDF and police information leading up to the murders. There was an all-0ut ARAB MASSACRE in the making (a repeat of 1929) for Purim day, you will note that hatchets & axes(typical Arab weapons) plus spears and knives were found under the carpets in the Arab hall (Yitzchak aveinus ohel)after the attack by Baruch Goldstein. QUESTION #1: Why were these items hidden there in a mosque? (if not to initiate a Purim Massacre that Haman never succeeded in!!)

Dr. Goldstein had a medical clinic where he treated Arabs and Jews alike and was known as a stable, efficient and well-liked doctor, not as an extremist. After the murder of the Arabs it was found that most were descendants of 1929 residents of Chevron.

QUESTION #2: Arabs never retaliate by killing Jews, it is an ongoing war to rid the land of infidels. Why are you assuming that 12 Israelis were murdered due to Goldstein’s act?