Reply To: Frustrated at being in the middle of nowhere USA.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Frustrated at being in the middle of nowhere USA. Reply To: Frustrated at being in the middle of nowhere USA.


I suggest the following plan:

1) Learn how to read Hebrew well. Learn some Hebrew grammar, as well.

2) Read a book like Sha’arei Halacha or another kitzur sefer. Get a basic understanding of what you need to do halakhically, as far as prayer, dress, eating, berachot, shmirat shabbat, yomim tovim, etc. go

3) Practice Hebrew reading as much as you can. I’d start with looking at the weekly torah portion (and haftorah), and by now, maybe also get a feel for ta’amei hamikra, trope.

4) Practice the prayers in the siddur, and get a sense for the phraseology and nusach of prayers for weekdays, shabbat, and chagim.

5) Learn some of the songs and tunes most commonly used: such as for kiddush, havdalah, Shir ha Ma’alot, the first bracha of bentching, some table zemirot, etc. This will help you survive in Jewish settings. I’d suggest an NCSY bentcher.

After you practice these, you’ll be able to function relatively well in the shul and in a frum home. I’d suggest after getting down these basics, only then, progress in your learning to things like Mishna and whatnot.