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“1) We see it work out and we assume it will continue to work in the future.”

It actually makes allot of sense to predict the future based on what you know to happen in the past from your personal experience. It is logical to assume that when you drop something it will fall, because never in the history of Planet earth have things fallen up. You can’t “Prove” that you won’t wake up tomorrow to a world where things fall up but it is the logical conclusion to come too.

“2) As an article of faith, we believe that there are RULES and LAWS that govern the universe just waiting to be discovered. Therefore if we perceive patterns we can assume that we are observing those laws.”

Actually it’s the exact opposite! Until people started using the scientific method it was assumed things in the world were arbitrary: i.e. when there was an eclipse everyone would think it was a sign they did something wrong and/or be afraid that God put out the sun and they had to pray to get it to come back out. Later it was discovered that Eclipses occur due to the laws of nature, are predictable, and have nothing to do with what human beings do or don’t do. The fact that things operated in a way that when understood showed that the Universe works according to certain laws is why this is believed…