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Ben Levi

There really are some pretty striking differences between the Torah and the books of other religouns i.e the Koran and Bible of the Christians.

1) The Koran and Christian Bible both acknowledge that the Torah was factual and Correct they just claimed to be the “updated version”. Which is in direct conflict to the Torah they claimed to be correct, since the Torah states expliclty that there will be no “updated version”.

2) Non-Jewish historians (I think Paul Johnson deals with this) actually point out the difference that in Books recording the history of nations normally a great deal is made of the Nations accomplishments while the failures are either ignored or glossed over. However the Torah seems to focus on failings while glossing over the “accomplishemts”.

3) The core bedrock historical occurance used by the Torah to “verify” itsellf so to speak, is a occurance which the Torah states took place publicly about 87 generations ago, and was witnessed by millions not individually, there is no other religoun that has ever made this claim.