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Ben Levi

Toi, your point is wel taken.

Beningnuman, great posts, thanks.


There is an essentiall difference between a religoun claiming that there were isolated instances of Miracles occuring in front of thousands of people (something btw, that the Torah would not dispute as being possible)to what the Torah descrobes.

The Jewish religoun is predicated on the notion thatg the seminal events that brought the Jewish people in to being which are,

1) Yetzias Mitzrayim.

2) Mamad Har Sinai.

3) Kevishas Eretz Yisroel.

All took place to the Jewish Nation as a whole. Each and every other religoun asks that for the most part one individual 9at a most a small group of individuals) are to be believed in order to accept that religoun.

The Jewish religoun makes no such demand.

In order fort the other religouns to be false one person(or small group of people) would have to be a charismatic lier.

For the Torah to be false Chas v’sholom, It would have taken an entire Nation to have collective amnesia over what had happened to them and then accept upon themselvesan entire new history.

And this firm belief also would have reqired them convincing themselves that their fathers had told them this each year Pesach time, they had always been putting on Tefililin each day that told them this and they had always been placing mezuzahs on the door that said the same thing.