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More and more we see evidence of scientists proving to have personal agendas and falisfying data to promote those agendas.

They do not want to be bound by G-d or his laws so they will do and say anything and ‘find (supposed) evidence’ to support their agendas.

They are educated in schools and universities where belief in G-D is hated and feared and ridiculed and where morality, it is taught, is ‘relative’ and that there is no such thing as absolute right and wrong.

One well known example of this is in the anti business anti prosperity agenda that tells us we can’t have private cars and can’t have many other things because they supposedly cause global warming.

The fact that they have been caught falisfying data and deliberately leaving out evidence that contradicts their agenda is dismissed as ‘insignificant’.

Also even besides their agendas getting in the way of real scientific discovery, science is just not nearly as exact and infallible as evolutionists would have us believe.

We can’t even predict todays weather accurately (or they would be able to tell us things like “today the city will get exactly .164 inches of rain which will start at exactly 4:39 PM and end 2 and one half hours later”

instead of “30% chance of light showers somtime in the afternoon” which actually wind up starting at 2 AM the next morning) but they expect us to believe that they know what the exact climate was, 250 million years ago.

If science were so exact and infallible we should need no witnesses in most murder cases.

The forensics should be plenty to gain a conviction when the suspect

actually committed the crime, no mattter what the witnessses all say an d no matter how good his alibi, is.