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You can check out the nightly dvar torah thread. Additionally, here’s another dvar torah.

The Pasuk says ????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????. Rashi brings down the Medrash that says some say this pasuk is for good and some say it’s for bad. The meforshim who say it’s for bad say that he was a tzaddik in his dor but in the dor of Avraham Avinu he wouldn’t have been anything.

R’ Moshe Shternbuch Shlita in Sefer Taam V’daas asks, why does this mean bad, he was a tzaddik in his own dor, that’s good enough! What do we have to other generation? R’ Shternbuch answers that Noach would have been a tzaddik in a dor of Tzaddikim and forsure in dor of tzaddikim. But in the dor of Avraham Avinu, he wouldn’t be considered anything. Avraham Avinu had the middah of chesed. Noach didn’t have this middah and wouldn’t be considered anything in the dor of Avraham Avinu.

Maybe this is why Noach had to spend a year in the ???? doing chesed by feeding the animals.