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Son of Man: I’ll try and find the Mekoros from the Moreh about making requests from angels.
The “nebach an Apikores…” phrase is what R’ Chaim Brisker said explaining this Rambam (and it’s M’vuar from the explanation the Rambam gives in the Moreh of why an Apikores loses his Chelek).
I think that Pashtus is that Rashi held of a corporealism that the Rambam would call Apikorsus (we’ve been over this here; see Rashi on B’reishis “Na’aseh Adam B’tzalmeinu Kidmuseinu”; see Rashi to Avos 3:14; see Rashbam to Bava Basra 58a; see Rashi to Avodah Zarah where the Gemara Darshens the Passuk “Lo Sa’asun Iti”; and I think there’s a Machzor Vitry that quotes this also but I don’t recall where. Rav Moshe Taku (a seldom-quoted Ba’al Hatosfos) says it B’fierush that he holds that way and the Rambam attacked his Shittah explicitly in a letter. But it would be a tremendous insult to the Rambam that “Gedolim V’tovim Mimenu” that the Ra’avad refers to is R’ Moshe Taku. And I agree that we very much hold they are mistaken. Agreeing with them would be Apikorsus. But there are Rishonim who said it.