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i’m really nervous for yom kippour for the same reasons… i always start off SOOO thirsty and nauseous but as the day goes on i end up fine and drifting a bit low (but because it’s “shorter” (in that the actual day is shorter and its over by 7ish) than Tisha baav it’s easier in a way. what i’m nervous abt is my Pump. bec it’s wireless (i have the omnipod..) i don’t know whether i shoukld take it to shul or leave it home cuz i cant carry it and prob will need it in both places…idk what to do!

allsgr8- lucky you… i get sooooo thirsty when it goes even a bit over 200 as well as really cranky and moody (everyone in my house knows…. she’s cranky must be high….) but worse is lows because (as you all prob know all too well…) i get so shaky, sweaty, dizzy and starving even after i just ate it’s horrible!!! thats why i try so hard to stay in control if nothing else than not to feel gross..