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can I ask if ur overweight because even though type 2 is more affected by weight i think that even type 1’s whos weight is within range have better control..speaking from experience, i bh am thin but I do fluctuate by a couple of pounds and I always found that when I weighed as little as even 3-5 pounds above my normal weight it was harder to control my numbers. When im at my thinnest my numbers are MUCH better. (well maybe the reason is becasue usually when ur at ur thinnest ur not eating cake!! 🙂 but seriously i think it has something to do with it….

When u say u havta get ur numbers under contrl cuz of shidduchim what do u mean? is it cuz ur worried abuut after ur wedding? (preg) or like is the boy gonna ask u what ur last A1c was -as if he’ll know what it is lol