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The worst Part about diabetic pregnancies is that they DO NOT allow you to carry past term, and some are even careful to induce you before term. There is a risk of the baby dying in diabetics, one for some reason they are not sure of, and secondly the placenta “ages” faster than in a regular woman. When that happens the baby does not receive oxygen and nutrients normally.

So having said all that, a diabetic pregnancy is more likely to have more interventions such as C-sec or induction. As you get around 37 or 38 weeks, its a good idea to start doing things to get you in labor. Some suggestions would be : accupunture, walking 2 miles a day, evening primrose oil placed internally, drinking blue/black cohosh tea (don’t quote me-see a herbalist), try castor oil, have a midwife stretch and sweep your membranes.

If you try to go into labor naturally it can save the induction and or a C-sec. I had diabetes in all my pregnancies and controlled my sugars near perfectly because I tested my sugar about 2x an hour.