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princessEagle- glad my attitude is rubbing off 🙂 I still say the tehillim I dont know if the others do. .. Its perakim 20 and 130. (sorry dont know how to write hebrew letters)

I really wish you would take control of yourself again princessEagle. Diabetes is not easy but its also something that b’h today we are able to control. Hashem gave us the means to control the disease and we have to do our best at using those tools to keep healthy.

I also have those moments when I feel like giving up but I tell myself that for every fingerstick and every injection that I do I get a mitzva of “vnishmartem me’od l’nafshoseichem.” This really keeps me going because I feel like I have an extra mitzva that other “healthy” people dont have. Think about it…and Try it!

On the humorous side of things think of it like this: Aside from just being an ordinary human being you’re also a walking talking pancreas!!! Now that is COOL! 🙂