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hey princess- you only wanna meet allsgr8?!?!? i think im a bit insulted… jk! i know what you mean about it being so difficult sometimes! its a chronic disease so its bound to get hard and for us to say “i give up!!” we all go through that1 (i know i give all the time!!!)sometimes i just wish it would GO AWAY!!! i am dsick of the needeles and sometimes i just wanna eat something without the worry of how much to bolus etc and i HATE HATE how hard it is to lose weight! but theni rememeber that Hashem never ever gives anyone something they cant handle so He must think i can do it and there must be a reason why He chose me of all people to give this to. it doesnt make it any easier but i try to do what Hashem would want! thats all we could do i guess… TRY!! sorry theres nothing real to say to make you feel better! but just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! more than anyone WE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!! we’ll all manage this TOGETHER!!

as far as that shabbatons… im not the outgoing social type so it is hard for me to go somewhere when i dont know anyone….

allsgr8- i was thinking the same thing! iyh one of us should get to that step and then we’ll beg the mods to help us out to make it work!

dx3- i did but i was gonna save it for Rebbitzen to say it cuz i know howmuch she loves it!

sweettooth- so would you think that doing a little bit of a bigger bolus help more than waiting extra time? i am always scared of dropping cuz then i end up overtreating the low causing it to go higher….