Reply To: What is the purpose of life?

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From what I’ve gathered, the purpose of life is to recognize ourselves. Who we are with both our strengths and weaknesses. Then break free of those bonds. Many of the Mitzvos bring constant awareness to what we do. Being human, many feel limited by their genetics, emotions, and background. God gave us the freedom to choose. We can choose to be ourselves, or we can choose to be greater.

Being Jewish, we are the Keepers of the Torah. Not a simple job. We have been entrusted to carry it through history. Faith has kept It alive even now. Today, we live by the words that continually expose the Torah as a blueprint for mankind.

That’s how I personally translate my Judaism, and how it defines my life.

So how does this work practically speaking for you? Find what speaks to you. If writing brings you purpose, then that should be your goal. The only one you should want to be a success for, is your Creator. I know it can be difficult when the family looks at you as a failure. The question is, do they care for your happiness, or only for your success? What use is it being at the top if you are unhappy? Still, it need not go to waste. Perhaps you can use your mathematics degree for a temporary job while you go back and train as a writer?

(I also went to college for something miserable. However, I’m hoping I can use my skills to get a decent job so I can pay my way through a degree for something more suited to me)

Life is what you make of it. I hope this can help you somewhat.