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Akuperma, your gross generalizations about those who will succeed and fail are untrue.

The SAT focuses far more on external knowledge than the LSAT making it much easier to study for.

“Acquired skills” is a very broad term. Obviously, infants don’t have the skills to take these tests. Some infants, however, have a far greater innate capacity to learn and apply things than others. This allows them to “acquire” more skills, and do better on standardized tests, and particularly the LSAT.

True, studying the methods of solving games quickly (the most learnable part of the LSAT) may help you do somewhat better, but in my experience, the ability to excel is dictated far more by natural abilities than by learned methods.

I believe it is an intelligence test, and I didn’t fail.

Let me ask you this: do you believe that everyone is equally intelligent, or that intelligence doesn’t play a big role in a person’s test results?