Reply To: Am I Smart Enough for Law School?

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“What has better prospects,

1) Graduating as valedictorian at a not-so-good, local law school

2) Graduating middle-third at a semi-prestigious law school

3) Graduating bottom-bottom at a top tier?”

The question is irrelevant. My husband goes to a top tier law school and is far from “bottom-bottom”. Plus, while top of the class at a not so great law school might get you a job straight out of school, it’s not as good long term as you might think. Law school name recognition follows you around for your entire career. When you are looking to switch firms at the age of fifty they will want to know what law school you attended. It’s actually a big deal.

“Also besides for the competition, are the T-14 really harder material> don’t all law schools basically offer the same classes and exams?”

Same classes, yes. But the style of teaching is different and the faculty are more prestigious. My husband has already been taught by a number of professors who wrote the textbooks he is using, giants in their field. It makes a difference.