Reply To: Refusing to give or accept a get

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Jewish Feminist said: “Are there other inequitable laws or other ways that people can be mean which prevent the flourishing of families? This is rightfully termed a “Crisis with a capital C” because it prevents women from remarrying and raising more children. For a different perspective, try comparing the agunah crisis to the shidduch crisis. They’re more similar than you might think.”

Why are you so hung up on the law? There are a million tools for inequity, from breaking someone’s window when you know he/she won’t retaliate to spending endless amounts of money in court when you know that the other party can’t match to alleging abuse in the course of divorce proceedings. The law is what it is and it maybe a bad thing on net, but that has nothing to do with individual people using it to their advantage. Why are people making a fuss about random people behaving badly, and why do people choose sides on the basis of one fact?