Reply To: How much do you give your wife per week for the family budget?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How much do you give your wife per week for the family budget? Reply To: How much do you give your wife per week for the family budget?

The little I know


You wrote, “Finances are the number one cause of shalom bayit issues.”

Absolutely not true. You cannot back that up with a single source. A valid statement might be that finances become an issue in nearly every struggling marriage. It represents an area in which there are control issues, as well as the need to partner to create and follow a budget. Most often, both parties have considerable activity involving shopping and spending in which they are alone, and these actions lend themselves to conflict. Often a couple in conflict will begin withholding money from each other, and using the incoming or outgoing monies in manners that are divisive. It is just one of the areas where conflict gets played out.