Reply To: Trip to Europe, Summer 2014

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Spain was not a problem, its not true the people were nasty at all.

It could be I speak some spanish so it allowed a little communication.

Also its not true these places are unrepentent Anti-Semitic. In Spain Toledo is called the city of 3 religions. They tell everyone to see places like Santa Maria La Blanca (The Oldest shul in Europe) they have renamed streets in Toledo, Segovia and Cordova for people like the Rambam, the Rif and Simon Ibm Gabriel.

In Bratislava (Presburg) they have renamed the street and tram car for the Chasam Sofer. They have built a monument on the grave of the Chasam Sofer.

In Prague they are proud that their 2 most famous residents are the Golem and Franz Kafka. They tell people to visit the Josefov (Jewish Quarter). They even have a statue of the Mahral in the City Hall.

In Rome they tell people to visit the Jewish Ghetto and sample the authentic Roman Jewish Cooking.

In Amsterdam the #1 tourist site is the Anne Frank House