Reply To: Adult Bullies

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Thank you for the information. I thought cyber bullying is now a federal crime when committed against ANYONE, child or adult. I spoke to a lawyer who advised us to not do anything at this time, as no overt threat of physical harm has been made. But the person is trashing us on the internet and to whomever she speaks. Every word out of her mouth is a sick lie, but people who DON’T know us (or her very well, either) have unknowingly been giving chizuk to her to encourage her sick fantasies. And this is solely because I don’t want to be friends with her anymore, because she has hurt family members of mine by slandering them a year ago.

She called my rabbi up, and after all the ranting and raving to him against me, asked him to please convince me to “be friends” with her again. If I am such a horrible person as she described to him, why on earth would she WANT to be friends with someone like me?????? May no one here EVER know a nightmare such as this.

Profoundly emotionally disturbed people can sometimes be unpredictable, and for that reason my lawyer does not yet want us to go through legal channels, as he feels it will escalate her actions, and that right now she is just blowing smoke.