Reply To: Kasha of Beis Yosef

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my friend told me an answer to the b.y.’s kasha.

when moshe split the yam suf, he was commanded to do a ????? of raising his hands, and then the water divided. But when the yidden left the yam suf, moshe was commanded to do a ????? to bring the water back to its original state. we see from here, that if moshe didn’t do that, if he didn’t do that second ?????, the water would have remained suspended in its new miraculous state. because a neis, in its essense, is ????? ?? ????, and therefore has no ????, no limit nor boundry. And unless something is done to counteract that, it will remain in its matzav nissi.

so by chanuka the fact that the oil burned 8 days was a ?? ????. but the phenomenon of the oil STOPPING TO BURN by itself at the end of the 8th day, WHEN NO ????? WAS DONE TO EXTRICATE IT FROM ITS MATZAV NISSI, was an additional neis in of itself, and perhaps a ????? that all 8 days are really one big miracle, including the very first day, through the ????? of lighting that original ner.