Reply To: Leaving children alone in the house

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My girls have been working very VERY hard for four years of high school, and if they want to go to Israel I am all for it. They are actually very academic types and go to the more serious learning sems. I would prefer that they go to Israel and CHILL and yes have fun! When they come home, it’s already shidduch time and the pressure is on, let them have a year to relax and enjoy, but my girls like to work hard so they go to the sems that are more pressured. I leave it to them to decide.

As far as the kids speaking loud on the bus, this is a matter of tznius, and I know many adult women who talk loudly on their cell phones, but listen, we have no control over these things we can only work on ourselves.

I know nothing about the sems in gateshead but I am sure the girls there want to have fun and some may have more fun than is necessary but they are KIDS. As long as they are following the rules and not being kicked out. The girls nowadays are so stressed out, they have to be perfect and modest and say tehillim all day and learn shmiras haloshon and cook and clean for ima and they must be beautiful and size zero, GO TO ISRAEL AND CHILL OUT FOR THE YEAR!!!! Be yourself and crazy and wild and have fun, fun FUN! this is the time in their life for this!!!