Reply To: Miracles�Amazing Wonders!

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I left out one amazing part of the story about when my wife and I went to see the Kaliver Rebbe.

My wife is not a big fan of separate seating. The way the Kaliver usually works, there’s a guy there (the Rebbe’s Shamas?) who walks you in. Men will be seated next to the Rebbe, and women will usually be at the opposite end of the table. So the guy walks us into the room, points to the chair next to the Rebbe, and tells me to sit there. He then turns to my wife, and before he can say anything, the Rebbe says, “No, no – she shouldn’t sit at the end! She should sit here, next to her husband!” The guy was dumbfounded. He said, “What? Over there?”The Rebbe repeated, “Yes, she should sit here, by her husband!”