Reply To: Why "s" instead of "t"?

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HaKatan, why do you feel the need to stick in an attack on Zionism wherever you can?

As for the rest of your post, my brother-in-law told me something he heard from R’ Elazar Meir Teitz (from Elizabeth), who is a big Zionist:

In the JEC schools, they teach Ivrit, but they also differentiate between taf and saf. My brother-in-law was once speaking with R’ Teitz, and he asked him why. R’ Teitz replied, “I know there are many reasons not to use a saf. There are proofs for it. But my father learned about saf, and his father used saf, as did his father. That is the mesorah in our community, so that is what we do!”

Congrats HaKatan, you agree with a Zionist!