Reply To: Making fun of people who are frummer than you

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“And what if someone feels that everyone should be careful? Maybe it’s not an issue of personal weakness, but the way one feels any Yid should conduct themselves”

DY (and I respect what you have to say, even when I disagree with some of it), you have also proved my point.

What right does ANY Yid have to judge that some other Yid who is unquestionably FOLLOWING THE HALACHA (because if he isn’t, then there is no argument), is not being sufficiently careful??????? THAT is an arrogant attitude that many otherwise frum Yidden have. It IS sancimonious, it IS divisive, and definitely leads to mocking, if not outright sinas chinam.

Just because YOU (or any other Yid) might feel you need to act a certain way, dress a certain way, daven a certain way, hold by a certain hechsher etc., does not invalidate the ways that other frum people (again, WHO ARE FOLLOWING THE HALACHA)live their lives.

There are Jews who believe we should NEVER listen to any type of music since the Churban Bayis Sheini. Do you listen to music? If so, those Jews think you are not careful in your level of observance, and that THEY alone are the ones who are careful.

I don’t happen to hold by their Hashkafa, which they are entitled to believe is the right thing. But the second they make me feel like they are smug in the knowledge that THEY alone have the universal clue and direct line to Hashem’s Good Graces, I have a problem with their thinking.

Some people who are brought up a certain way, tend to view others as somehow lesser, for not adopting all of THEIR personal chumros. It’s not fair or proper, at least when dealing with people who are shomrei Torah u’mitzvos. And btw, there are some people who appear “frummer” in their dress, their beards, their hechsher by which they hold, the Yeshivahs to which they send their kids,etc., but are sorely lacking in middos bein Odom l’Chaveiro, i.e., in their business dealings, how they act in Shul,their loshon hara etc. in my experience. BTW, all those aforementioned traits are ALSO mitzvos Bein Odom LaMakom, which many of us tend to forget. Being a mensch is a double chiyuv, both to Man and Hashem. So are they frummer than other people who hold by the hechsher you don’t, but might be very “careful” in their masah umattan, their tzedaka (that it should come from legitimate earnings), their kovod habrios?