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I’ve learned baba basra before and although I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to it doesn’t matter. Because I’m not gonna pretend that the gemara has a complete free market system. I am well aware that is not the case. But frankly, the gemara’s economic system would not match up to any economic system. The gemara is on the right for many issues, on the left, or neither. (although, I would argue, that on the whole, the gemara is quite the proponent of freedom of contract) For example, which economic system wouldn’t allow interest on loans? My point is that the gemara is God-given law. It is one that is based on more than mere economics. Just like the Torah tells us we shouldn’t eat milk and meat together the Torah tells us we shouldn’t charge interest to other jews. When a secular government is deciding what laws to put in place, just as you would not advocate for them banning the sale of cheesburgers, you shouldn’t advocate for them adopting the Gemara’s rules on monetary issues. There have been many great rabbonim that have been socialists and many who have been pure capitalists, and many in between. One of the most respected Austrian economists today is Rabbi Yisroel Kirzner (israel kirzner in the academic world), who is also a massive talmid chacham. To just come out and say that the Torah is against one view or the other is disrespectful and wrong.