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🍫Syag Lchochma

wow – I am really oversensitive today. Must be 8 days with fever has made me weak.

You are so right about all that, and I can’t stand seeing kids walk around with pacifiers or bottles well past the age they should. Regarding milk, guilty as charged. Many of my kids are lactose intolerant so I don’t even bother offering it as a drink to the others. We will put it in cereal though.

The reason I was so sure you were being sarcastic is because in the other thread I was “knocking” being too protective (I’m the one who WOULD have put my baby in that cart) and I included spoon feeding those who are too old. So when you mentioned cutting up sausages, I assumed you were sarcastically pointing out that tho I put down doing things for a child, it is clear that it is sometimes a safety issue. I honestly thought that if someone like ME would not give sausages to a two and a half year old, than certainly you (who appears to be more careful than I, though not overdone) wouldn’t either, and you were just saying it as a dig to my comments.

If that makes no sense, don’t lose sleep over it. I just need a few tylenol and some rest 🙂