Reply To: The Funniest Purim Costume

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my cousin was a twister man. She had a cloak and red heels and the board was like her hat. very cute.

my sister was a tzedddakah box.

my parents one year dressed up together as black and whitw. they got a white suit and a black suit, cut it in half and sewed one half black and one white half together. for my mothers skirt, she used the suit pants and opened the inside seam. they had bent down hats spray painted half white and my father had a black and white tie. shoes were black and white. VERY COOL!!

last year my father was a scottish guy. he hired a real costume including that skirt (think its called a kilt?) he had the funniest facial hair. it was rely good.

he has also been a jester and a chinese guy and old guy and charlie chaplin.

my father is a perfectionist so for example. the chinese guy he had a bald cap properly glued on and eye make up to look chinese etc. he also hired the whole costume so it was AMAZNG!!!!