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As a BTL attorney, allow me to add my two cents. Assuming you really want to go into law (and make sure you really do), you have two practical options. Either you go to a top school (Columbia and NYU if you insist on NYC) or you get a full scholarship to a lower school, no strings attached. Otherwise, it’s a very dangerous investment. That’s not to say that there are no jobs for people in lower schools, but they’re hard to come by. If you graduate at the top 5% or so of your class and make law review in Fordham, Cardozo, and probably even St. Johns and Brooklyn you will in all likelihood find some very lucrative opportunities. Of course, there are no guarantees either way and you may be #1 in your class and still not find a job or be at the bottom and catch a lucky break. For now, the best thing you can do is ace the LSATS. Get the best course (ask around, the yeshiva guys know) and study hard. Then work really hard on your application and personal statement. Then when you get in work really really hard in school. Remember, 95% of your class won’t be in the top 5% (I know, that’s redundant). So when you see classmates taking a more laid back approach, don’t think that’s acceptable. Hope this helps.