Endless Job Search

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    Some people know they want to go into a certain career or choose one and go for it. Others have certain obvious skills and make a parnassa like that.

    Then you have people who just don’t know where it is that they can make the dough roll in and be able to pay bills plus have money to live even a modest life. You see, I’ve tried teaching, but that doesn’t pay, is draining, and I just don’t always have what it takes to be a good one that has the kids all under control. I can spend thousands of dollars going for a masters, but I really am turned off by all the fields there are that I know about. I can’t imagine sitting in a boring office all day though I wouldn’t mind some sitting time in a job. When all who try to help ask what I WANT to do I really don’t know what it is that I won’t to do. I want to do something… but I just haven’t found that “shidduch”.

    Any suggestions on helping people in sitches like this. I know I am not the only one because I recently spoke to a few ppl who were jobless also and not knowing where to turn…

    looking for suggestions…. Thanks 🙂

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