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    anybobdy doing it today? or not? thursday, taanis ester?


    fasting…thursday…taanis ester…hmmm.

    It’s not ringing any bells for me, sorry.




    I definitely believe that the hardship of fasting is 90% in your head.

    I know for myself, on some Shabbasim I’ll have a cup of coffee in the morning before shul, BUT on MOST Shabbasim I don’t have anything at all until kiddush after shul, around noon, – and it doesn’t bother me at all.

    Today I am fasting and I was already STARVING by 10 a.m.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I a bit confused. Wouldn’t the question be – ‘how is your fast going?’ or ‘do you find it hard to fast at work?’ I would probably answer that I have gone so many years without fasting (cuz of nursing) that I am finding it VERY difficult to fast and work. But I would assume everyone is fasting unless somehow ‘exempted’.


    Can one avoid fasting for the sake of Parnassah?


    As my wife is fond of saying, fasting is not for mothers or working people.


    I got up early and ate. No problem for me…

    Avram in MD


    I definitely believe that the hardship of fasting is 90% in your head.

    I can’t vouch for the number, but I definitely agree with what you are saying, at least until the early afternoon. When I consciously fast, I pay more attention to my body’s signals. I may feel equally hungry at 10am on a Shabbos morning as on a fasting morning, but since I “expect” in the back of my mind to eat soon on Shabbos, I tend to ignore or not notice the hunger. That’s why, if for some reason lunch is delayed on Shabbos, the hunger seems to “hit” suddenly.

    Anyone else ever feel “thirsty” at Kol Nidrei, even though you just drank a huge amount at the seuda shortly before?




    in my circle or friends and family, the fasts other that yom kippur and tisha ba’av are ones that are taken lightly. we start off fasting butif were really hungry we can eat. i happen to think that for healthy people, fasting for 1 day wont kill you at all….i am currently the only one still fastng in my house at this point in the day besides my father…lol

    Ken Zayn

    Mmm. That was nice. Slurp. You see, I fasted all day even though I work, but here in England the fast finished at 7.00pm which was an hour ago so i’m after maariv and food by now. Yum! The yankees have another few hours to go. Dont worry, you’ll catch up soon! Use your time wisely and daven well. Its a very special day for tefilla.


    Ladies and girls in my family only fast Yom Kippur and Tisha B’av. So I’m not fasting today.


    I’m fasting. B”H, I generally have an easy time going without food on fast days.

    I have fasted every fast day since my Bar Mitzvah with one exception. On Asara B’Teves about three or four years ago, I came down with a fever. I left work early and went home. When I got home and saw I had a fever (which I already knew just by the way I felt — I know my body’s signs of a temperature higher than 100), I had a hot tea and toast. There was no way I was going to make it that day and so at about 1PM or so, I called it quits.

    That is, to the best of my recollection, the only time since my Bar Mitzvah that I ate on a fast day.

    The Wolf


    I came down with high fever and a sore troat on Yom Kipur, On another fast day I would most likely drink but since it was Yom Kipur I had no choice. In the morning I had no idea how I would survive the day but b”h it passed.

    tomim tihye



    It went past fast.

    (I did not fast, so the day passed fast.)

    tomim tihye



    Seuss is on the loose.


    Please. Be nice.

    (Also, I thought you might get the hint after you were deleted 3 times.)


    I was nice it was a fair question. There was no attack just a question.

    No, it was an attack by implication.

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