I Hope Trump Gets Impeached 🎺🍑

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    * “or Bush for whitewater or Paula Jones ” Should read “or Clinton…”

    Also I should note. the MLK bust removal wasnt reported by Time. IT was tweeted by a Time reporter and retracted. Of course that didnt stop Sean Spicer from using it as an example of Trump being “attacked” by “The media” Sadly people believed him as it was early in the presidency before the days that this administration’s love of “Alternative Facts” was obvious to (virtually) all


    First I thought You were talking baout Trump “3 year Olds either win their games legally or they just mess up the gaim and claim the other side cheated. Waaa I’m not playing anymore.”

    Weve all heard of “sore losers” they are babies but sadly somewhat expected. Trump is the very first sore winner I have ever encountered. He won, and still claims th other side cheated and cant get over the fact that he lsot the (legally insignificant) popular vote.

    “emoluments specifically exempts the president. ”
    Is simply incorrect. IT doesnt “specificly” exempt anybody
    here it is verbatim:
    “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State” (in article 1)

    now some may say it doesnt apply to the PResident. (I guess he isnt a “person holding any office”?) or that he doing business isnt a “gift” but to say he is “specifically exempted” is simply an alternative fact


    Being silent when you don’t like the president is un-American. It is the American tradition to be very vocal about politics, and if you don’t want people to insult the president, that means you hate America.


    Why, because you don’t like it?


    CTLAWYER -“He is being enriched by foreign government spending at his properties.”

    I’m not a lawyer, but if there was any legal basis to what you’re saying, the DemonCrats would be all over it!

    Yechi Hamelech


    I sincerely apologize for my egregious spelling mistake on Neil gorsuch’s name. בלי נדר it will never happen again.
    Thanks for telling me the correct spelling😊


    Ubiq -“Nothing you mention in your post is hypocritical. On th eother hand if you criticise Obama for being “born in Kenya” you ARE being a hypocrite, since here you take the strange view that Once elected things done prior to being President arent relevant”

    Stop with your liberal lies!
    Obama being born in Kenya is very relevant. Many posters have discussed this previously. The facts​ are he wasn’t eligible​ to become president of the United States.
    It’s a wonder to me how the DemonCrats pulled off such a farce on the American people!


    Even Trump’s given up that stupid game.


    I’m finding this thread highly interesting for a foreigner. CTL, in my CR experience, has never become so emotional and forceful. It is obviously a big deal to him. When Trump won the election, I thought he won’t last out the 4 years. Let’s see what happens. My take is, how could the whole United States of America come up with two so unworthy (to use a kind expression) candidates in the 2016 election?!
    Btw, chochom,
    I sincerely apologize for my egregious spelling mistake on Neil gorsuch’s name. בלי נדר it will never happen again.
    טובל ושרץ בידו. Gorsuch gets a capital G. Actually, so should Chochom.


    Dearest Health

    “His actions prior to becoming president is a reason not to vote for him. Now that he is president, he has done nothing so far that can be considered impeachable offenses!”

    So why is Obama being born in Kenya relevant, it was before he became President ?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Because that would perhaps make him technically ineligible to be president.


    Agreed my point regarding Obama was silly.
    The Clinton one stands though


    Yidd 23 -“Even Trump’s given up that stupid game.”

    It shows your understanding about politics! The president only stopped his talking about Obama’s eligibility in becoming president when it no longer mattered.


    No, he specifically denied the birther claim when asked. That makes him a liar, a only-now-telling-the-truther, or a pretend non-politician.

    Yechi Hamelech


    I wrote 2 messages with the same words but one with a capitel G and one withought. The moderator posted the one without.

    My real name isn’t chochom by the way.


    I’m wondering how Trump got through Wharton. He doesn’t read and he seems to be dumber than a stump. CTL, any ideas?


    Yidd 23 -“No, he specifically denied the birther claim when asked. That makes him a liar”

    Why does that surprise you? All politicians are liars. Not just that, he was a TV actor before politics. Do you know what actors do?
    The reason he won the election was because he’s the lesser of two evils!

    ready now

    There is substantive evidence that Obama’s birth certificate that Obama sent as proof from the White House when he was still there, is composed of many “moving parts” upon analysis by experts.
    This brings about many many questions, including who were his REAL parents, and also where he was born.
    If his mother was a different person from the one we believe was his mother the question is where was his real real real mother born?
    This was recently probed, but Obama will not come out and apologize for the forged certificate. Nothing but smiles and silence.


    yes rebyidd. the country was definitely better 600 years ago with no goverment. people killing each other daily was definitely way better than this. and im sure cannibalism is an amazing thing, no?


    Chabadgal, the country didn’t exist 600 years ago.


    Wow, who’d a thunk that Alex Jones participates in the CR as “ready now?”


    By the way, I challenge Chabadgal to explain why cannibalism is morally wrong in and of itself.


    Trump attended Wharton for 2 undergraduate years transferring in from Fordham.
    I also attended Wharton as an Undergrad a couple of years later (and don’t want to denigrate my education)>>>Don’t confuse an Undergraduate education in the Wharton School of Finance and Business (where all business and economics majors were placed at Univ of PA) and the highly prestigious MBA program at Wharton. The requirements and acceptance rates and course of study were quite different.

    Those of us who went to UP undergrad and were in Wharton love the attention it gets, because most people think you have an MBA from a top program

    How he got through? Most people paying the bill (about $7,000/year all in back then) passed and graduated. The Ivy league is know for Gentlemen’s ‘C’s.

    Yechi Hamelech

    LOL Rebbyid, just a few days ago you yourself didn’t know that this country didn’t exist 600 years ago…

    and you know very well what Chabadgal meant….


    No, I knew that this country didn’t exist 600 years ago, I just think that countries that don’t exist have fewer political problems than countries that do.
    And I object to what Chabadgirl meant to. The First Nations had their own functioning governments and were not “killing each other daily” any more than people do today.


    I actually appreciate President Trump and I owe him hakoras hatov
    This election cycle has cured me from the tayva of listening to and watching the news
    There is a certain freedom I feel from no longer caring


    mentsch: That’s a great comment. Can you explain how/why recent events cured you from paying attention to the news?


    between the presidents daily speech and the clearly biased media, is there a detectable shred of truth to be found? my ears can not handle all the sheker.


    allow me to get more philosophical
    I used to have a passion for politics, as if caring mattered. As if my passion sways what happens at bureaucratic level. An analogy might be a fans passion for sports.
    But it doesn’t matter
    we aren’t in control of who gets elected
    we aren’t in control of policy
    so why be passionate and waste energy or anger on the subject?


    mentsch – that’s very inspirational.


    So now it’s being reported that tomorrow Comey will testify to the Senate that Trump told “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty”, and that Trump asked him to let go of the Flyn investigation…

    Looks like my dream is getting closer to being a reality 🙂


    It is legal for the President to order the FBI to open or to close any investigation. The President is legally America’s chief law enforcement officer and chief prosecutor. And there’s about as much likelihood of impeachment as there is of Canada’s 10 provinces becoming US states.


    there’s about as much likelihood of impeachment as there is of Canada’s 10 provinces becoming US states.

    That’s what they said about Trump becoming President…


    I haven’t read through this thread, but Trump will likely avoid impeachment because Republicans don’t want to impeach a President belonging to their party, and Democrats don’t want VP Mike Pence to become President.


    How did Trump get through Wharton? I know from direct information that some people can “get through” college if his/her family makes a big-enough donation. I don’t know anything about Trump at Wharton, but if Wharton is like other private colleges, I can guess. I wonder whether the donor records from the 1960’s are still available.


    How did Bill Clinton dodge the draft?


    I commented early on in this thread that it is not enough to be impeached, the Senate must convict.

    Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached, BUT neither was convicted by the Senate and they finished out their terms of office.


    Wrong again
    The President is NOT America’s Chief Prosecutor
    All Federal Prosecutors are part of the Department of Justice
    The DOJ is part of the Executive Branch, it’s head is the US Attorney General
    The AG is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate
    Jeff Sessions is the Current AG…and de facto CHIEF Prosecutor.

    Any government prosecutor MUST have a law degree and haved passed/be a member of the Bar
    Trump does not have a law degree and is not a member of the Bar…he does NOT meet the minimum qualifications to be the lowest level federal prosecutor.


    Bill Clinton did NOT dodge the draft.
    While in college he had a IIS student deferment which existed for all full-time college students at that time.
    When in Law School, he was subject to the draft, then conducted by lottery. You were assigned a number matched to your birthdate (randomly picked) and if that number was not reached during the year of your exposure, you were no longer subject to the draft. Clinton’s number was 311. The highest number drafted that year was 135.

    Your casting aspersions is despicable and an insult to every American, myself included, who registered for the draft, was assigned a lottery number and subject to call up to active duty.


    Re CTLawyer comment about grounds for impeachment: I believe Trump is in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution because he uses too much moisturizer.


    There is no emollients clause in the constitution as far as I know.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Your casting aspersions is despicable and an insult to every American, myself included

    ew. I think defending such a mius, amoral and self serving individual is much more despicable and insulting.


    Pointing out truthful information is not the same thing as defending someone.
    There are many things that Bill Clinton did that I find abhorrent and do not defend. HOWEVER, having a student deferment and not being called in the draft lottery by luck of the yearly draw is not abhorrent behavior.


    CTL, the President, as head of the Executive Branch, can directly order any Executive Branch employee, i.e. cabinet member, FBI chief, prosecutor or office worker, how and what to do in his job. Including investigating or not investigating anyone or thing.


    wrong again.
    The President can tell appointed members of the Judicial Branch what he’d like them to do..NOT any employee. Politicians can’t give directions to civil service employees.
    Prosecutors don’t investigate so the President can’t order them to do so, investigators investigate. SO, contrary to your false claim, the President is NOT the Chief Prosecutor and can’t prosecute anyone. His influence might cause a prosecutor to prosecute someone, but if Trump attempted to bring an indictment it would be thrown out of court because he is not an attorney. President Obama OTOH is an attorney and member of the bar, should he have wanted to prepare court papers, they would have been valid.

    The only low level federal employees who must respond to a direct order from the President are members of the Armed Forces (not civilian employees) because the President is Commander in Chief.


    CTL, the Judicial Branch is NOT part of the Executive Branch, and contrary to your comment I said nothing about the President ordering any Judicial Branch member to do anything. The Executive, Judicial and Congressional branches are the three independent, of each other, branches of the United States government.

    And the President legally CAN directly order the FBI chief and the FBI to open or close any investigation. He can also order a US Attorney to prosecute or not prosecute a case.


    And the President legally CAN directly order the FBI chief and the FBI to open or close any investigation. He can also order a US Attorney to prosecute or not prosecute a case.


    If Obama had told Comey “Hillary is a good woman, I hop you can see your way to letting her go”, would you have called the that an obstruction of justice?


    me:13: The source is the Constitution and Federal law. If you have doubts, read the transcripts of Comey’s testimony today. In response to a Senator’s question he responded that the President has the legal right to order him to close an investigation.


    the President ordering someone to Prosecute does NOT make the President a Prosecutor no matter how many time you try to spin it. He also can’t order Civil Service personnel within the DOJ (which is Executive Branch) to do anything. He can only order political appointees to act.
    Trump ios NOT and will never be the Chief Prosecutor of the US. He might be prosecuted for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, but it would be by the Legislative Branch. That is called Impeachment and trial.


    The legislative branch of our government stands with the executive branch of our government on this matter despite the pipe dreams and posturing of the minority opposition party.

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