NY tImes

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  • #606098

    Does anyone still read this newspaper written by mostly Yidden who are anti Jewish, anti Israel, pro Arab. tweet, blog, boycott:

    the time is now, make a statement


    I read it both online and on paper. The reason being is that there is no competition with as comprehensive coverage. It is as simple as that and it is the truth. The other papers are tabloids full of trashy pictures with little news. Only the Times has the level of international, national, political, business, and local coverage that it has.


    I beg to differ; The Wall Street Journal has all of the qualities that you mentioned above, and it also has a relatively right-wing, pro Israel, and all over conservative view.


    The WSJ is indeed high quality. But it is nowhere near as comprehensive as the NYT. The WSJ is actually more comprehensive for business coverage, but nowhere close for international, national, political and local news.

    (As an aside, while the WSJ is conservative on its editorial pages, it is not conservative [or pro-Israel] by any means on its news pages. And indeed the NYT’s very strong left-wing biases completely color virtually every news story. Nevertheless, I can see right through that and still get the news after discounting their prejudices.)

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