Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 🥜

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    Anyone know which company makes good non-dairy ones? So far all the ones I’ve tried has the peanut butter more or less hardened and they just don’t taste fresh…are there any that come with a good creamy filling?


    Yah, you buy pretzels and a jar of peanut butter, and dip the pretzels in.


    PBA – Thanks but that doesn’t work for me. Too messy and not convenient enough to grab on my way out of the house. Though if you are doing it the hard way, I highly recommend Jif to Go chocolate silk & peanut butter spread. It’s good stuff.


    hire someone to dip your pretzels for you:)


    Get them from the factory, not the store.

    yaakov doe

    The only ones I’ve seen are OU D. They come in large jars at Costco, Waldbaums, Pathmark.


    klein vikayam – You looking for a job?

    yaakov doe – I know that Herr’s is parve, as well as some other companies cuz I’ve tried them and I don’t eat chalav stam.


    streekgeek – I am not sure how far your hakpada for chalav yisroel goes. I don’t believe the peanut butter filled pretzels list anything dairy in the ingredients. I THINK (but am not sure) they are designated OU-D only because of dairy equipment. You still may not want to eat them because of your hakpada, but I just thought I would mention it.



    You can’t rely on not seeing dairy ingredients to assume that they’re just DE. Unfortunately, many people (I’m not directing this at you) think they know enough about how every ingredient is processed to tell you it’s pareve, but they really don’t. The only way to know an OU-D product is OU-DE is if OU tells you so themselves.


    Snyder’s makes really good peanut butter pretzels that are labeled as OUD but are really dairy equipment. OU told me this through email.

    Rebbe Yid

    From their website it appears that all Jif-to-Go are OU Parve.

    CRuzer: there are some ingredients that are complicated, and some that are simple. If you see “natural flavors,” you have no idea what’s in it. If you see “popcorn, soybean oil, salt,” you kinda know.


    If peanuts were larger or we were smaller, you could make pretzel-filled peanuts.

    B1g B0y

    Why do we have to be smaller?
    That is the problem of todays generation- always thinking smaller.
    Just make a smaller pretzel


    I’d rather have a Pletzel than a pretzel


    MMmMMmmmm!!!! I didn’t even know those were called Pletzels! Yum 🙂


    B1g B0y: If we were smaller than peanuts would appear larger. We could use little bowls and make tiny dough. Then stuff the insides of peanuts with teensy pretzels that are little taste buds would totally pick up.

    Yes. My post was a fine example of how today’s generation is thinking smaller. Nanotechnology.


    Thanks for bumping this back up. I’m still looking for the perfect ones, haven’t found them yet…


    I visited the Anderson Pretzel factory a few years ago, just when the Peanut-butter Filled Pretzels started coming out. I was excited to see this new product and bought some right at the factory in their gift shop. The peanut butter was hard even then and had shrunk to only partially fill the inside.

    I like the taste anyway, but it could be that what you are imagining it should be like doesn’t exist.

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