Pessach: zman chairuseinu but not zman geulaseinu?

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    Pessach we proclaim as zman cheiruseinu, but when was the “geulah” from Mitzrayim? If it was when we left, we should call pessach zman geulaseinu?!

    Also, cheiruseinu is NOT one of the 4 leshonos shel geula: v’hotzeisi, v’hitzalti, v’goalti, v’lokachti (v’heiveisi)…but no loshon of cheirus?!

    Reb Eliezer

    Zmah chairoseinu refers also to the Kabolas haTorah whereas zman geuoiaseinu was temporary since we are still in galus.


    Also, cheiruseinu is NOT one of the 4 leshonos shel geula: v’hotzeisi, v’hitzalti, v’goalti, v’lokachti (v’heiveisi)…but no loshon of cheirus?!

    Because “taking out, ” “saving, ” “redeeming” and “taking” are verbs, but “freedom” is a noun.

    The Wolf.


    The verb is liberate (לשחרר), in our context: ושחררתי could have been used but wasn’t.


    R’ Herschel Schachter has a fascinating piece on this idea.
    He writes that the definition of galus is the deprivation of gilui Shechina. The full gilui didn’t come until Matan Torah, so the geulah wasn’t complete until then. There were stages to it, it began with Pesach, but didn’t end until we had the Shechinah.

    He notes that we’re told that we are destined to be redeemed in Nissan, but we also say b’chol yom sheyavo – Mashiach can come any day. The contradiction is answered that the 3rd Beis HaMikdash won’t be dedicated until Nissan. So while Mashiach can come at any time, our redemption won’t be complete until we have the gilui Shechinah, with the new Beis haMikdash, in Nissan.

    sifsei chachamim

    אשר גאלנו וגאל את אבותינו… ברוך אתה ה’ גאל ישראל


    Rabbi Schachter is a great talmid chochom, possek and wise man, as was his Rebbe Rabbi JB Soleveitchik.


    Shichrur is Aramaic. The four leshoinois are loshon hakoidesh


    Tomim, true that the word shichrur is not found anywhere in Tanach, but it is a Hebrew word.

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