Prayer I wrote for Financially Destitute

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    I used (and still do) to Daven at candle-lighting time for childess people, those needing a Shidduch, sick children etc. I had been very lackadaisical about Davening for financially destitute people, only doing so half-heartedly, thinking that their Tzuros are nowhere near the pain of the others. Until I became financially destitute myself, taking a major pay cut, leaving me with a choice of whether to pay my bills or stop getting my vitally needed medical treatment. At this point, I realized that the financially destitute people require others to Daven for them just as much as the ill, childless etc. I therefore wrote a short paragraph to Daven on behalf of these people. May my diffiuclties serve as a comfort and inspiration to others going through this Tzuro and somehow be a medium to help bring them a Yeshuah.


    Tefilla For Financially Destitute People

    Master of the World, please spare those without or insufficient Parnosah from ever again having the shame and agony

    Of requiring to ask for Tzedaka and human hand-outs to put food on their table or pay bills.

    Please open up all doors of Parnosah to them; may all their needs be met bountifully only from Your loving, open and generous hand.

    So that they may, from now on, conduct their Shabbos shopping with joy and relief, opening their homes to guests from near and far.

    sof davar

    In the zchus of your davening for others, may Hashem grant you bracha in all areas of your life!

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