Regarding age gap-Nasi continued

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  • #601729
    Boruch Hashem1

    With all that’s being said from NASI rewgarding age gap…Take a look around, married people at their own spouse will see that the husband is generally older and those who are single can see this with their parents. And this is how it’s always been. Clearly the issue is “attitude gap” and not necessarily age related! The meshugasin that have been added to shidduch dating are the real cause!


    Boruch Hashem 1 is out of touch with reality. I know plenty choshuv Rabbonim and other people, whose wives are older than their husbands, but are very harmoniously married, and for a long time already.

    If this is not enough to convince you about how correct Nasi is, take a look at Chassidic circles, where there is no Shidduch crisis, and they marry people in their age group.

    I have never met a man who married a woman older & is miserable, but I have met numerous men who turned down a woman older than they are, and now years later are still single & miserable and bitterly regretting their having turned down this slightly older lady, years ago.


    One of those attitudes seems to be the “let’s take anonymous pot shots at those trying to help while we sit on our rear ends and deride them and their efforts”. Perhaps if those same people adopted the attitude, I disagree with their method, let me come up with a plan of my own and put it into action, we might be better off.


    147: If this is not enough to convince you about how correct Nasi is, take a look at Chassidic circles, where there is no Shidduch crisis, and they marry people in their age group.

    Correlation doesn’t imply causation. There can be a dozen factors in the equation of why chassidim don’t have a crisis, while the rest of charedim do. Think about al the people that go off the derech, if it isn’t equal among boys and girls, you’ll have more religious girls than boys. In that case, marrying someone older will just push the problem a couple of years until it catches up.

    I’ve seen this in my own community, where the average girl is more religious than the average guy.

    TLDR; America ain’t China, figuring out why there is a boy/girl gap isn’t so simple.

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