See you in… a while.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee See you in… a while.

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    I will b’li neder be avoiding computer use as much as possible for a little while, meaning at least 30 days. See you guys later!

    (I doubt too much will happen on here, though…)


    Bye bye! See you around!



    Scary.. You plan on SEEING me?!?


    We see each other here in a literary way.


    (I doubt too much will happen on here, though…)

    yeah, just more news about a war between Israel and Hamas… :/

    Shopping613 🌠

    ya, there’s no point in looking at the news, not until they just announce when it will end


    Of course there is a point…we have to have the right hargasha for what everyone in Israel is going through right now. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to have a computer to know what’s going on, however.


    “See you later”

    Isn’t that what the anchors on the TV say?

    Right on, they’re gonna see me!


    This will be, b’li neder, my last day/night on the CR until after Yom Tov. If you would like technical support, or an opinion on something, please ask now.

    (Tech support Qs go here:

    Letakein Girl

    Goodbye, Randomex!

    We’ll miss you.


    what she (lg) said!




    Randomex- I’m impressed. May Hashem give you the strength to continue to grow and use your (obvious) kochos to become your real, best self. May He grant you whatever you need in your life to bring you to that. Vhoser soton milfonecho umilacharecho, and may we all follow in your footsteps soon (I know you said you’ll be back… still.) Thanks for helping whoever you’ve helped here, and I’ll miss you too! (get the tissues…:()


    Thank you both, especially Evtach [sorry, CIJ, higher word count 🙂 ].

    Amen! (Rumor has it everyone comes back eventually, though. Even Kivi and Tuki came back…)


    Well I’ll try not to be too offended, considering you threw in that K&T reference ;P

    Letakein Girl

    The CR is so addictive! It’s really true. Once you experience the warmth and companionship that people here have to offer, you can’t love life without it. And now someone is reading this and cracking up at the morons that post on the cr. Oh well! Until that anonymous person joins the cr, he won’t understand.

    Eftach, wow! Youre very eloquent! I’m jealous of Randomex, now. 🙂


    LG – awwww sweet! I agree 🙂 (now we just have to wait for popa to disagree…)



    Well I'll try not to be too offended, considering you threw in that K&T reference ;P

    Looks like I really am a politician 🙂

    Letakein Girl:

    No need to be jealous – I’ll give you a brocha! May you be zocheh to be mesakein yourself and everything around you, and may your intelligence, knowledge and rationality be known to all.

    Have a gut Yom Tov!

    Oh, I didn’t get the chance to ask earlier (the juror thread got too old to bump just for this): Why did you change your name?

    Letakein Girl



    Wow randomex, a politician and a hidden tzaddik….can I get a bracha too??

    Letakein Girl

    Amen! Thank you, Randomex.

    I changed my screen name from letakein to letakein girl cuz I wanted to show that my essence is letakein, to fix my mistakes, to change the world, to use my God given talents to spread the light of Torah. Lol, I just noticed how idealistic I am. And i probably thought a bit too much into my screen name. It’s not every day that I get to choose my own name, so I care abt it.


    lg – i think most people thought about their username (or maybe I also took it too seriously?)


    Thanks, LG. I enjoy expressing myself here, cuz I get to say what I really feel unabashedly. In a way, I’m happy to see that my essence is still pretty sincere. I always wondered what would come out of me if I got drunk, or sleep-talked and revealed my true thoughts. I even thought about taping myself overnight to see if I might! There’s some ugly stuff in my head and heart too, but at least I know that that’s not all there is….

    “And i probably thought a bit too much into my screen name. It’s not every day that I get to choose my own name, so I care abt it.”

    ICR (Randomex, I got that one without Googleing too!! ;)).

    I also thought into my name…

    Shopping613 🌠

    I didn’t think at all into mine.

    I wanted something quickly, so whatever popped into my head..but I couyldn’t DREAM about changing it…I’m just too much shopping613,no????

    I also like expressing myself here, no one listens to me in real life, occasionally I get a comment here…I just wish I was 1) On USA time like everyone else, so I didn’t miss all action and 2) I had enough time to participate in a the jokes, the teen threads, and spiritual ones, and think of something worthwhile to write…

    I really hoped on getting to know both of you, eftach and randomex more….

    pity….I’m so outta the loop at this point


    Shopping – I am feeling rejected ;P

    Shopping613 🌠

    Also you!!!!

    Lately Iv’e been forgetting everything, you can ask ,e what I did 5 minutes ago and I won’t remember…

    Point being, all the newbies seem very nice….


    Ok you’re forgiven 😉 though I must admit, I am at a loss to understand what your activities 5 minutes ago have to do with ‘newbies’ being nice…

    Letakein Girl

    Shopping, the new girls are so cute and fun!!!!

    They remind me of the relationship you, streekgeek, and taom have. You guys just GET each other, ya know? Also OURtorah. You know, all four mentioned above haven’t been on the cr in a while! What’s up with that?

    DW, I feel outa the loop too. Oh well… Gam zu letova.

    Abt people never listening to you in real life, hey- don’t I count? 😉


    DW, I’m sure it’s nothing personal. It’s just that if you read over this thread, you’ll notice that your posts were very short ones, so Shopping overlooked them. Also, over the years there have been many people with names similar to yours (iluvbeingjewish, imajew….) so she may have thought you were an old timer.


    lg – thanx, dw I wasn’t really offended. “The new girls are so cute and fun!!!” PLEEEEEEZZE don’t tell me Randomex is ALSO a she!!!!!!!


    lg – btw, I thought I saw streekgeek recently…but maybe not

    Shopping613 🌠

    I really can’t keep track who is female and male either…gives me a headache.

    SG was here recently I beleive….she’s too busy to be here much…

    I guess I’m from an old generation….

    Letakein, you do have a point I guess.


    Hi people!!

    I’m still here (well, sort of that is…) If you would take a look at my threads from 3-4 months ago you’d see why I’m not here as much as I used to though I wish I was. I miss the fun around here. And I hope to get to know you guys better once things calm down here and there’s a routine going again…

    TAOM hasn’t been here in ages. OURtorah has poked her head in once or twice. I really miss them both and the camaraderie we had going here.

    How you doing Shopping? I think about you all the time btw…haven’t spoken to u in a while. Your serial is awesome! I have been lurking a whole lot more than I’ve been posting, so I have been following it and I’m loving it! Keep going strong!!

    Shopping613 🌠

    Good Baruch Hashem, I’m still here…more or less.

    Of course, when one is not posting, he/she is lurking! It’s a known thing!!!

    I also think about you too….thanks!

    Thanks, I’m trying to be strong…wonder if I’m succeeding…

    Enough about old boring me, how’s everything by you?

    How is marrige suiting you? Your husband must be treating you like the gem you are!!!!

    Thanks for showing your face (or posts I guess)


    Shopping –

    Enough about old boring me

    Please don’t refer to yourself that way, it hurts me 😉 You’re anything but old and boring…But yeh B”H things are going well. Of course, like anything new, marriage is an adjustment, but boy is it worth the time and efforts you invest in it. IY”H by you at the right time to the right one (it’s not too early to daven for your zivug btw, it never is. Daven that he’s doing well, that he’s strong in his yiras Shamayim and that he should stay in the derech hasyashar…)

    Hope to be around here more now that things are finally settling in to routine.

    Letakein Girl

    Sometimes, I randomly say a perek of tehillim for Hashem to help my zivug make the right decisions.

    Shopping613 🌠

    C’mon, I’m so outdated in the CR… I fell old or something, I dunno.

    Like I don’t get any of the jokes….

    Well it woulds be sure nice to see you around here more!!!!

    Can’t wait


    LG – That’s great…make sure to tell him so when you find out who he is 😀

    Shopping – Feel the same way…I guess I was just out of it for too long. There’s only one way to do it and that is to jump right back in 🙂 Looks like I’ll be doing that sometime soon… 😉


    I need to take a break (I’m not sure for how long).

    See you, guys. 🙂 Gut Shabbos.


    Will miss you! :'( Yeh, you should chill. You work too hard here.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    maybe his parents finally caught on

    Letakein Girl


    So you think he’s a child prodigy? Could be… I wonder what his IQ is… Probably somewhere near 140.


    @randomex brucheh vhatzlucheh biz 120

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    LG – ?


    In about a month :). Have fun everyone!


    It’s been a while…

    I’m not here to stay but just wanted to say hi and show my face… well, not literally… 😉

    For those of you who spend more time here than you’d like to, there really is a world out there to get to know. Don’t stay glued to your computer or phone. It’ll depress you.

    But nice to drop a line now and then! A git chodesh and a lichtigen chanuka!


    To you too, Eftach! Good to see you. 🙂

    Wait, Cozimjewish, does that mean you’re leaving,

    or were you just jokingly saying it for me?

    Letakein Girl


    The cr isn’t the same without you… Hey, yoU got married two weeks ago, right? So how’s married life treating you? To borrow shopping’s terminology earlier in this thread, I hope your husband is treating you like the gem you are!

    Little Froggie

    If I write something here will you read it in another three weeks?


    I didn’t think at all into mine.

    I wanted something quickly, so whatever popped into my head..but I couyldn’t DREAM about changing it…I’m just too much shopping613,no????

    You shop 613 mitzvahs


    LG- hi! I am getting married real soon… in about 2 weeks iyH! And yes, I am being treated like royalty bH! Thanks for your kind compliment!!!

    LF- hi! Yes, I will read it. I take a peek here now and then.

    ComlinkX- Hi, have we met under a different name before? You new here?

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