Seminaries for more reserved girl

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Seminaries for more reserved girl

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    Hello. I am helping my niece look into various seminaries in Israel for next year. She grew up out of town and is more reserved. She has tremendous Midos, is very smart and is not afraid of working hard. She is an open minded Bais Yaakov type girl. The most important thing for her is to be in a warm school environment with nice girls.

    On her list is Bnos Sara, Macon Raaya and Ateres.

    Does anyone have any information on these seminaries that could be helpful? Does anyone have any info on other seminaries that you feel have a warm reputation with sweet kind girls?

    Todros Gimpel

    From your short description, she sounds like a very good fit for Bnos Chava.


    Thank you for your suggestions.

    Does anyone know if any of the seminaries mentioned have a reputation of having a warm environment?


    Maybe consider not sending her at all to Israel. For the most part its a waste of money and time.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Most ahve a warm encironment. You really should read through last years seminary thrwads and try to reach live people. Otherwise you are stuck with comments like takes2’s who thinks his personal opinion applies to everyone.


    Thank you for all your feedback and for taking the time to help. I searched previous threads about these specific seminaries and they sound like solid choices. I appreciate all your input

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