The fake-ocupation cover / mask (fakeupation)

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    Once in a while, the racist Islamo-Arab militants utter their racism out loud:

    Palestinian indicted for attempted terror attack with concrete tile

    Jerusalem Post Staff, July 31, 2022:

    A Palestinian man was indicted for the attempted murder of a Jewish man in Givat Shmuel using a concrete tile at the beginning of the month…

    The suspect, 33-year-old Ahmed Rashdan, reportedly left a letter at his home addressed to his family, explaining that he would carry out an attack in pursuit of Jihad and out of his hatred of Jews.


    After the massacres in Bnei Brak and Elad, Zvika Zvi Yehezkeli explained that even eliminating Hamas’ Sinwar won’t do it. It’s about the overall hate incitement on the Arab Islamic side, at mosques, schools, etc


    Not to sound like a smolani, but there is very much an occupation. Israel does not recognize Sheba Farms, Gaza, Areas A, B, nor C as part of Israel. People who live there do not get Israeli citizenship, but Israel has troops and buildings on some of these places. The official term for it is “Israeli occupied territory” since it is nisht a hin, nisht a herr.

    Menachem Shmei


    Did USA occupy Afghanistan? Keeping the peace to protect your citizens and save lives is not called occupation.
    Especially when it is in some non-independent terrorist “state”.

    Menachem Shmei


    Actually, I think I understand what you are saying. They don’t call it Israel but there is no real independent government there, and the territory is being occupied by Israeli forces, so it is technically “occupied territory.”


    Yserbius123, you’re missing the point. It is not about territorial dispute, but about hate, since 1920. While indeed the so called “occupation” is a mask.


    @Shalom-al-Israel Well, yeah, I’m not denying that. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s an actual military and civilian occupation. The Tziyonim did what they always do and messed up and are still trying to figure out how to cover that up.


    Sure those territories are “occupied” – by a bunch of Jew-hating low-life Muslim terrorists who time and again have been refused citizenship by their religious brethren that occupy 56 Islamic countries in the middle east and around the world. If this is confusing, at the very least open a Sefer Bereishis and read the first Rashi there. Frankly, I am baffled by the ignorance and self- hatred of some of the people on this thread.


    The racists target Haredim – non-Zionists in Elad and in Bnei Brak, just like in Hebron TARPAT.

    Reminding that most “Palestinians” are grandchildren of Arab immigrants and that there was never a “palestine” Arab State in history.

    Given these truths. The offenses by early secular-Zionists are well known.

    Menachem Shmei

    dbrim, the people of this thread are not ignorant or self-hating, the Israeli government is.

    The only one who ignored the first Rashi and declared Israel an occupation is…
    Israel itself!

    When some goyim had “טענות” on them, instead of opening up a chumash (which every Christian and Muslim (l’havdil) believes in), they decided to give up land. THEY declared that this land is no longer a part of Eretz Yisroel (r”l). Then they continued to keep the military there, thus declaring that they are an occupation.

    We, who learn chumash, know that Eretz Yisroel is the land gifted to us by Hashem, and is completely not dependent on the decisions and proclamations of a government of (majority) Jewish people, the UN in 1948, or the US. No one has the right to take it away from us, and there is no such thing as occupying a land that always belonged to us.
    If only the Israeli government would realize the same thing.



    “שלא יאמרו ליסטים אתם…”


    Then according to all of this logic, the Israeli government should offer citizenship to Arabs living in all of the areas captured from Jordan in 1967, not just Yerushalayim. They should further cease to recognize the PA as any sort of authority, since the West Bank is part of Israel. Why aren’t they?


    MS – agreed.
    Y123 – According to what logic? You’re missing info concerning the history of “modern” Israel. The idea of a sovereign “Palestine” in the heartland of E”Y, Yehudah and Shomron (not the “west bank”) was a destructive piece-for-peace move due to USA and global pressure on a secular, leftist Israeli government. The law of return applies to Jews not Arabs occupying Israeli territory, who in any event rejected offers of citizenry by what they consider an illegitimate Jewish occupation of the land they believe should be theirs, from sea to sea – they don’t want to be citizens of E”Y, they want to own E”Y in its entirety and push all Jews into the sea.
    My issue is: If “we who learn Chumash know that Eretz Yisroel is the land gifted to us by Hashem” , how could we reject that gift and remain in chutzpah la’aretz? What does that say about our relationship with the Gifter? And the fact that there is a secular, even anti-Torah government is not a teirutz because we could remedy that if we all came.
    May we be zoche to see the Geula sheleima and the kibbutz galuyos today, may we be zoche to celebrate this Tisha Bavaria as a yontiff with Moshiach tzidkeinu and witness the complete revelation of Hashem’s Shechina and the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash BBA.


    Yserbius123, what is this talk about “citizenship” ? And how does ths “prove” the Haaretz/Wikipedia /pseedo anti-Jewish rewriting of history”?

    And no. Wuder uncontrolled Citizenship facilitates terror attacks by those wishing to harm Jews. The unique situation Israel David-vs-Goliath is – since its inception.

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