The Importance of Listening

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    First off, I think the importance of listening is often overlooked. People sometimes think that good communication solely means speaking well and clearly. But that is only half of communication. The other, equally important half, is listening well. I think good listening is slowly getting more and more difficult because of the type of culture we are in. Our attention spans are dwindling because our culture puts its focus on everything being fast paced, jumping from one thing to the next, only looking at the surface, and being less appreciative of deeper, more stimulating things. Because of that, it is more difficult for us to be able to really focus our attention on someone communicating to us, and internalizing what they are saying.

    This is unfortunate, because I believe good listening can be one of the most beneficial things for a job, friendship, and of course, marriage. When someone is talking to us, they want us to listen well and really understand what they are saying. It can be frustrating, and even considered disrespectful, for someone to not really listen when you are trying to communicate something. And on the other hand, someone who knows you are a good listener will most probably appreciate you much more and your relationship can grow to much greater heights because of it.

    Also, it can be beneficial to sometimes repeat over what the other person said, even in our own words, to the other person after they completed a thought, to show the person we are listening and really are internalizing the information. This technique can also save us from many potential problems, because sometimes, especially with close friendships or spouses, we assume the other person knows what we mean when we say something, but that is not always the case. So, by repeating something in our own words to the speaker, it gives them the chance to clarify what they meant if there was a misunderstanding, thereby saving us from possible miscommunication.

    There is plenty more to say on this subject, but I’ll stop here. Hopefully, you have gained something from this post, and hopefully we can all become better listeners, or at least see the importance of listening.


    lol i think i have some competition here


    Thank you MP good practical advice, well written.


    The point of listening is to understand the other party. So learn to listen to understand.


    I’ve skimmed through it and i agree 🙂


    soliek, you’re an accomplished writer! I’m just some random person who likes jotting down his thoughts, so not much competition! But thanks.

    Goq, thanks.

    aries, you are absolutely right. But do you agree with some of my other suggestions?

    2qwerty, thanks.


    MP, absolutely, the only thing I had to add was that if you don’t listen “to understand” you are missing the point.


    Wow, MiddlePath. I really am busy now (and promised myself to exit the CR), but I had to read your entire post. It’s absolutely amazing. Well written, to the point, and practical. Why, I think you’d be a writer one day! Thanks so much for sharing. I truly gained a LOT. If I develop this “listening skill”, it’ll be your credit.

    Thank you once again, and may you continue being a source of inspiration to all of us.


    dont sell yourself short…t6his is good stuff

    Queen Bee

    Great post, MP! Very well-written. I agree with everything you said. Always looking forward to reading your insightful and inspirational thoughts. I think I’m more of a listener than a talker. Maybe that’s because people are always bored when I talk!


    aries, yes, you are definitely right about that, and thanks for adding it in.

    observanteen, thanks so much, I’m happy you got so much out of it! And I don’t know about being a writer…I like writing, but I can’t see myself doing it on a professional level.

    soliek, thanks for the encouragement.

    QB, thanks, and no, I doubt it’s because people are bored when you talk! On the contrary, you always have very thought-provoking, intelligent, and sensible things to say. And it’s a very good thing to be more of a listener than a talker.


    “On the contrary, you always have very thought-provoking, intelligent, and sensible things to say.”

    which is why, by the way, people tend to interject rather than listen when asked for advice…

    Sister Bear

    It’s really good MiddlePath, thank you so much.

    Queen Bee

    soliek, huh? Were you addressing me or just making a general statement?


    making a general statement


    MP- Beautifully written… I couldn’t agree more.


    Thanks, Sister Bear and Emunas.

    Queen Bee

    “QB, thanks, and no, I doubt it’s because people are bored when you talk! On the contrary, you always have very thought-provoking, intelligent, and sensible things to say. And it’s a very good thing to be more of a listener than a talker.”

    I didn’t realize I forgot to thank you, MP. Thanks, and same to you. Your posts are always inspiring and helpful, so thank you!


    Thanks QB for your kind words!

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