Visiting Gedolim In Eretz Yisroel

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    How/is it possible to visit gedolim in Eretz Yisroel? Rav’s Kanievsky, Elyashev, Shteinman, Vozner, Abuchatzeira, and others? How long does it take to get in? And how long can you speak to them? With what language?

    Thank You


    Rav Elashiv Davens Shacharis every day in his shul, if he is feeling up to it. You can get a Bracha from him as he walks out, but you won’t be able to say much more than that.


    When/does Rav Elyashev give a shiur open to anyone?


    Yiddish works for most. I think Rav Abuchatzeira may understand Yiddish but speaks Loshon Kodesh (Rav David Shlita speaks a fast Hebrew so make sure you either speak a good Hebrew or take along a translator.)

    ☕️coffee addict

    I davened maariv in R shteinmans house (and I guess you could too)


    Who might have a few minutes to talk to you? And are appointments necessary or can you just show up?

    ☕️coffee addict

    I think r nissim karelitz


    You can go to Rav Gamliel Rabinovich. He has open hours at his home on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:30. Make sure you take a number when you walk in. You will not feel rushed at all and can ask anything you want. His address is #2 Rechov Moshe Chagiz and its the fourth floor up. He speaks yiddish and hebrew.


    R’ Nissim Karelitz is a great idea. My son goes to speak to him often, and even got invited for a Shabbos meal. He had a memorable time.


    Who lives in Yerushlayim, who in Bnei Brak, and who elsewhere?


    Is the protocol to leave a donation with the Rov or a tip with the gabbai? If so, how much is typical?


    Do the gedolim admit visitors when they are visiting the United States?


    Gedolim who visit the US usually are fundraising


    Even when they are in the US there are hours and you probably have to make an appointment. Also like zahavasdad said they are fundraising so it wouldn’t be right to come see them without a donation.


    To visit Rav Kanievsky, I had to come to his shul to daven in the same minyan with him. Then I, along with other visitors, had to accompany him on his short walk from shul to his house. Then I had to wait for about half hour or so. At that time his wife (Rav Elyshiv’s daughter) was still alive; I saw her.

    As for Rav David Abuchatzeira (whom I would like to visit him on my next trip to Israel), I was told that he lives in Nahariya and is available for visitors starting from 3pm during the week, except Sunday (corresponding to his last initial – A) and Wednesday (corresponding to his first initial – D). On other weekdays, he should be available.


    It’s amazing how easily accessible our Gedolim are. Imagine being able to meet the President of the United States or the Chief Justice of the United States or even “only” any one of the 15 or 20 members of the Cabinet of the United States almost any day of your choosing.


    You probably couldn’t even get an appointment with any of them months in advance unless you are a VIP.

    Yet with the greatest of our great leaders you can simply stop by uninvited, unannounced, and unscheduled on a morning of your choosing, without any Ivory Towers, and have some words with them.

    All without any security checks!

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