Some children/teens will not be accepted to a school next year.

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    As the school year ends, think about the year after this one. With schools being so exclusive, especially high schools, some people will find themselves without a school to attend.


    “With schools being so exclusive…”

    To quote Rav Shteinman about that, “Gayva Gayva Gayva”


    And it will be years before these kids realize how lucky it was.


    Popa_Bar_Abba has it exactly right.


    Been there, done that. It isn’t always the school’s fault. In my town, the schools really try hard to accept everyone, but there literally isn’t any space! B”H, our community is growing, and some people are bound to be left out in the cold. Rejection hurts. Then again, life goes on.

    That being said, if anyone reading this thread is being tested in this area, here is a thread you should check out:

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I don’t think I get popa’s point here (although it seems that others do).


    And it’ll be years before you realize how lucky you are.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I feel very lucky right now.

    ☕️coffee addict

    i know the feeling, were moving just for that reason, and i dont agree with taom here , it all comes down to money, if they feel you could pay more than the next guy, youre in


    Oy, coffee addict, that sounds awful! I don’t know, things really aren’t like that where im from, BH.


    What does it help to move?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Not a stirah. There’s limited space, and they’ll accept the ones who’ll pay full tuition before the ones who won’t.



    I won’t deny that. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing! Let me rephrase that, it IS a bad thing, but think logically: Schools these days are in a very bad situation when it comes to finances. When they have a choice between accepting a girl that will barely pay any tuition and a girl that will pay full, what do you expect? It isn’t the optimum situation, but life isn’t all chocolate and roses, you know.

    It would help the poor kids left out in the cold if everyone posting on this thread would say a perek of tehillim on their behalf instead of ranting and raving and accomplishing absolutely nothing. Seriously.


    There is no real limit to space. I have seen classrooms with plenty of space in them. And what a Jewish school provides is a legal place where you don’t get in trouble for not being in school.

    ☕️coffee addict


    were sending our kid to a school that accepts eeryone regardless of income or frumkeit, however you have to live there (in the city) in order to go to the school


    @MDG – ‘To quote Rav Shteinman about that, “Gayva Gayva Gayva”‘

    Ditto! When I saw the video where R’Shteinman said that, he officially became my hero.


    Sometimes you need to apply to many , many schools and be resilient and go to one that’s not the optimal choice

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    There is no real limit to space.

    We’re not talking about outer space. Some schools have small classrooms, and there most definitely is a physical limitation on class size.

    There is also a limit to how many students a rebbe or teacher can effectively teach.

    Shtupping 35 kids into a room and then blaming the rebbe or morah for not teaching each one of them on his or her level is not a good eitzah.

    TAOM, I wasn’t ranting. I was describing the situation, for better or worse.


    Some will apply everywhere and not be accepted.


    DaasYochid, so they can add a class, or they can ask some of the older students to teach.



    In my school, there isn’t any extra space for another classroom. Dunno about other schools.


    So make room. But it’s not fair for some kids to get into legal trouble because they weren’t accepted.


    I have a close relative with a 4 year old that the school was thinking of forcing the child to repeat KINDERGARTEN such that this child can’t attend that school (the school only started with PRE1A)!

    However, the school only notified the parent in June when Kindergartens were already full.

    The child knew her abcs, colors, numbers, …. but was not “perfect” in everything, so the school wanted to reject her!!

    What could a 4 year old do to be rejected? at 4 years old?


    Life isn’t fair.

    You cant just say “so make room” cuz there literally is no room. Girls in the remedial program have classes in the hallways.


    There’s still the exterior.

    world cup



    Also, you seem to think that I’m talking about people not being accepted to their first choice, but I mean that some won’t be accepted anywhere. And yeah, life goes on, even in jail.



    I wasn’t accepted to any school last year- first, second, and third choice. I survived. It hurt, i cried, and now, looking back i am so grateful for that awful time period cuz i grew so much because of it.

    When you say that if you’re not accepted to a school you end up in jail, do you mean that cuz you’re not occupied you’ll get in trouble, or that its against the law not to be in school?

    And about the exterior of the school, remedial classes are held there if the weather is manageable.

    I agree with worldcup. All that one can do in this kind of situation is daven.


    It’s against the law not to be in school.

    world cup

    hs can be made up with a ged I dont think its illegal to be out of school.


    Remember If there is no room in the jewish schools, Public Schools always have room

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    so do catholic schools


    I think you missed the point, If we dont make room for these kids they will go elsewhere and we will see another thread about OTD or as some call them Pushouts


    It’s like an invitation to leave for the person who’s not accepted anywhere. And a Jewish kid should not be in public school, especially in the older grades.


    Accepting children based on how much much their parents can pay is an extremely shaky hashkafic proposition. I am sure we can get PAA in here to showcase numerous mareh mkomos on the subject.

    Universal Jewish education should be a mandate.

    world cup

    what is universal Jewish education?


    1. Jewish education about topics pertaining to all Jews.

    2. Jewish education for all Jews.


    Actually, it is illegal for the government to force school attendance if doing so violates religious freedom. See Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) which applies strict scrutiny and upholds the right of Amish parents to withdraw their children from high school for religious reasons.


    But they’re not denying religious freedom, they allow one to attend a Jewish school.


    If no suitable religious school exists, it would seem that any law requiring school attendance is unconstitutional.

    Shopping613 🌠

    TAOM, What happened in the end?

    I hope I will not be one of those kids next year. I have been forced to switch schools again. I would appreciate it if you guyz would keep me in mind in your tefillos, and that Hashem send me to wherever is best and everything will be ok. Thank you very much.


    This is not about Legally, Yes the yeshivas can deny entry and Yes the parents can home school the kids instead of Public School although this is tough in NY. To claim relgious reasons to drop out might not apply here since other relgious jews attend school which is not the case with the Amish

    But the reality is these kids will likley go to public school.

    And to put the blame anywhere but the yeshivas for MOST (not All) of these kids is misplaced (There are always kids like severly disabled like autistic or severly developmentally disabled or maybe violent who should not be with anyone except super qualified teachers)


    Suitable religious schools do exist. Plenty of them. All over. It’s not the government’s fault that the schools can’t or won’t accept every applicant.

    Incidentally, rather than squeezing existing schools beyond their real capacity, why don’t growing communities open new schools?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    But the reality is these kids will likley go to public school.

    No, they would stay home.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Incidentally, rather than squeezing existing schools beyond their real capacity, why don’t growing communities open new schools?

    Not incidental to the thread at all. You’ve just defended the existing schools very well. Even if, as jbaldy22 says, there’s a communal responsibility to educate all children (without financial consideration), that responsibility does not lay squarely on the shoulders of the existind schools.

    The answer to your question, incidentally, is that it is easier to expand an existing school than to start a new one from the ground up.

    New schools do open, but probably not as many as we need.


    But the reality is these kids will likley go to public school.

    No, they would stay home.

    Maybe for the first week or 2 , but having a teen home alone doing nothing while their friends are going to school is a recipe for disaster. At least in Public school they might be doing something productive


    Considering the fact that there are many schools that are already stretched to capacity, it is a wonder why there are parents who ambush their children’s opportunity to get into the school they think they would like by insisting on non – conformance with the school standards.

    Just like a school has to work with parents, the converse is at least as much true.

    Why would you expect a school to go out of its way to accept children beyond its capacity, when the parents have no interest in conforming with school standards? They are setting their children up for failure by the conflicting messages they are sending to their children.

    And I say this as being aware of what happens in a school where a family member works. And it is not even a “super farfrumte” school, rather it is a typical Yeshiva.


    “conforming with school standards?”

    I think to some degree this is a given. The problem the way I see it is that in recent years conformity has been replaced with uniformity.


    One of the main reasons there are Jewish schools in the first place is because for most frum Jews, public school is almost unthinkable.


    “The problem the way I see it is that in recent years conformity has been replaced with uniformity. “

    this the comment that the non-conformists like to use.

    My specific knowledge comes from a school with a very wide range in its student and parent body. Only someone looking to try to upset the system would even try to identify the school as “uniform”.

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