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Is Bennett Losing Control of His Party?

bennThe Bayit Yehudi party decided to vote for the Stern Bill which seeks to increase the number of people voting for the chief rabbis. However, three MKs out of 12 were present for the vote. The bill passed in a 53-14 vote in Knesset on Wednesday, 12 Sivan 5773. Present in the plenum for the vote were party leader Minister Naftali Bennett, Minister Uri Orbach and MK Ayelet Shaked. The other nine absented themselves from the vote, signaling that perhaps, Bennett is not in control of his MKs.

Minister Uri Ariel and Deputy Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan were among the faction members absent for the vote, unwilling to vote against their rabbonim, including Rabbi Dov Lior Shlita.

The vote was held in the shadow of a threat from dati leumi rabbonim who threatened to boycott the election for new chief rabbis if the Stern Bill passes.

When asked to comment, Bennett told ‘Kippa’ that the move was planned, explaining the MKs that were absent “offset the vote”, realizing what the outcome would be. He felt the party members should be able to vote their conscience.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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