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Oomis – the car seat is actually made to clip onto the upper part of the shopping cart. I didn’t feel safe doing that though, I didn’t like the distance from the floor. I also don’t like seeing kids spend hours in their carseats, moving from place to place but never actually being moved. It is very unhealthy but because they keep changing environments the parents don’t always realize they have been stuck in one position for so long.

P.S. nice to meet another Ema, most are Imas. “

I agree, it’s not safe, or a particularly good idea altogether.

And ditto on the “Ema” part. My five year old greanddaughter started to refer to me as Ema when she was two, because that’s what she heard her mother calling me. I kept correcting her and saying, “Bubby,” but she was insistent on saying Ema. After a gazillion times of my saying Bubby to her her, she looked at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye and said, “BubbyEMA!” We both broke out laughing, and she only called me Bubby after that. She KNEW exactly what she was doing!

As to this whole issue of helping the mother: to be fair, shoppers are there to shop. It is not always practical or even possible to stop what you are doing to help another shopper who should have used better sense to begin with. If help CAN be offered, it absolutely should be, but it is not always something that can be done (maybe you have your own children or grandchildren with you). And what if there are more than the one overloaded shopper with babies in tow? Are we supposed to drop everything and do their shopping or cart-pushing for ALL of them? That is neither practical nor reasonable. And what’s worse, I would end up feeling GUILTY for not helping (when I couldn’t), even though that too, would be unfair and unreasonable, because it is not in our control.

In this one specific instance perhaps help could have been offered, but in the final analysis, some women need a better plan for shopping excursions, that do not include putting their infants in this type of situation. There is ALWAYS another way to handle the shopping issue, unless the woman is a single mom with no friends or family members to help. If she has an able-bodied husband, then it is his responsibility to either do the shopping when he has a break, or watch the baby while the wife shops.