Reply To: Manchester Eiruv

Home Forums Bais Medrash Manchester Eiruv Reply To: Manchester Eiruv


Rabbi of Berlin, sorry for the misunderstanding, but i learnt in PH in the 1990’s, and am now based in e”y.


Just to bring out the point, i was in PH when the headmaster was Rabbi k., the school uniform, including socks, was grey, and before anyone thought of shabbos shoes, so if Rabbi K, took yur shoes, you were in seriusly painful and embaassing trouble. And he did it often. If you click on my user name you can reach other threads where it has been discussed recently.


Concerning R’ Slifkin – who is also english, like me and you, i have no idea who you are, so i cannot know if you compare to the gedoilei toira u’mada listed above. I definitely respect you if you do. However, i found your refernece to the emperor’s new clothes somewha disgusting.