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The Best Bubby

David Ba-Magen: Please send your full Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name through this post and I shall daven for you and Daniel Gavriel ben Sarah everyday, and at licht benching, at hafrashat challah each Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov, and at Rosh Chodesh and mid month bracha parties where each woman answers Amen loudly and with kavana for H’KBH’s rachamim for those that we daven for outloud.

Mezonos = Parnassa

Hagefen = People who need Zivugim Hagunim (Shidduchim)

Ha’etz = Zerah Shel Kaiimah For people who need to be blessed with children I’YH)

Ha’adama = Refuah Shelama

Shehakol = to daven for everything (Every name is mentioned a second time!)

May HaShem bless you with an abundance of HAGEFEN = Hey = Hatzalacha rabbah bechol maasai yedeichem, Gimmel= Gut, Gezunt, Gebenched long years, Pey = good Paranasa be shefa always (and may you always be able to be on the other side to give much zedaka to others, mosdos, shuls, schools, etc with an open heart and kind word, smile and bracha), Nun = Yiddishe Nachat from your dear family and all Klal Yisrael!

May the forthcoming birth of your child be easy, on time and without any fuss, and may the child be healthy and also your wife should have the koach and gevura to get back her strength immediately to do many mitzvos and good deeds for others, and may the child bring much joy, happiness, bracha, hatzlacha, and much yiddishe nachat to you and your wife! May you be blessed that all your tefillot be answered le tova and you should have besurot tovot with many simachot with simcha! Amen kein yehe razon!